8 Hidden YouTube Secrets
Below are some Hidden Tricks you can do in Youtube, be it typing some terms in Youtube search bar or adding something in the URL. These are some tricks which you may like.
1) "K" for Pause and Play,"J" will rewind the video for 10 seconds, "L" will fast forward, "M" mutes the video.
2) Typing youtube.com/leanback into a browser will give you a YouTube TV. You will no longer have
to use your mouse, the interfaces controlled solely on the keyboard. It also somewhat resembles Netflix.
3) Putting "SS" before the youtube url ( For ex: www.ssyoutube.com/videourl ) take you to a page
that will allow you to download your favorite videos directly.
4) Similarly by putting gif before in YouTube videos URl ( For ex: www.gifyotube.com/videourl ) will take you to a page that lets you make gif as videos.
5) Putting youtube.com/testtube in the URL will bring you to the home of YouTube's experimental projects.
6) Implemented during the now long forgotten Harlem shake trend, if you type "do the Harlem shake" in to YouTube the song will start playing before the screen starts to Harlem shake itself.
7) All those Star Wars fans out there if you type "use the Force Luke" let's you swipe the videos with your mouse.
8) The most obscure secret search command by far is that doge. Those who like their bizarre Internet references if you type "doge meme" the text is displayed in multicolored comic sense.
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